House of Good

People who can rely on each other for support

Fr Steve Gayle explains that an essential part of his church is the sense of community and friendship between the congregation members before and after worship.

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St Michael & All Angels, Stoke Newington

Fr Michael Gale - St Michael & All Angels, Stoke Newington

Fr Steve Gayle explains that an essential part of his church is the sense of community and friendship between the congregation members before and after worship.

They visit each other during the week, sometimes bringing a home-cooked meal and supporting each other in sickness and grief.

During COVID-19, St Michael and All Angels had to adapt quickly. In the lockdown, we took our worship online.

Congregation - StMichael & All Angels, Stoke Newington
St Michael & All Angels, Stoke Newington

However, Zoom worship lacks the personal touch, the laughter, the hugs, the kisses, the warmth and exchange of gifts and presents – all vitally important for emotional, spiritual and mental flourishing.”

St Michael & All Angels church, Stoke Newington