House of Good

Planning for the recovery of communities

A survey to assess the current needs of churches and communities and aid in planning for the recovery.

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Please share your experience and insights in a new survey to capture current needs to support churches in making a major contribution to the long-term rebuilding of lives and communities.

Churches are the obvious go-to places to help with the country’s recovery”

                          Claire Walker, Chief Executive, National Churches Trust

We have joined forces with the Church of England, Historic England, the Association of English Cathedrals, the Historic Religious Buildings Alliance, and the University of York to create this new survey.

An initial survey (also in partnership with NCT), which was launched in September 2020 attracted over 2500 responses. The findings have already helped to shape decision-making and guidance.

This short, very focused survey should only take 5 minutes to complete but will make an important contribution to planning for the future. Please visit the website at to find out more and take the survey, or visit to take the survey directly.